We're here to help

If you’re on your mobile device, it’s the perfect way to test us out!  simply click on on of the tabclix buttons and get in touch with us with your preferred method or social platform. 

The Tabclix team will assist you immediatly with any questions, requests or technical support for existing clients. 

The Tabclix team will assist you immediatly with any questions, requests or technical support for existing clients. 

You can also reach us via the contact form below, or call us: 

+1 514 277 7747



Questions? Reach out!

Questions, Reach out!

What Tabclix users are saying

Tabclix users love it, and they make sure we know they do.  We constantly get messages from happy customers and here are some of them

” Just wow,! My clients are impressed . Not only it is an ice breaker but extremely practical. The payment module is a game changer for our business , Clients love the fact that they can pay us by credit card, Apple Pay and Google Wallet “

John Fererra

” Tabclix is integrated on our website and converts more leads than any landing page or campaign we have ever done.  Our mobile traffic conversion has incread by over 1000%, yes, one thousand, this is not a typo! “

Stacey Jennings

” I recieved by Tabclix card as a gift and have since put an order for all our sales team.   Our retail stores accross Canada have tabclix terminals and cards.  The amount of callbacks after visits has reached levels we did not think were possible.   “

Jacques Lamoureux

” We went from tens of thousands of business cards to  40 Tabclix cards.  The fact that we can change our contact info without changing a card has made this one of our best environmental dsscisions.  We use generic cards, so even with high salesteam turnover, we keep the same cards for our sales team.  It also ensures that our clients can stillr reach the right salesperson  “

Normand Tagliani

” We use tabclix for our micro fundraising campaign.  the bar is on our website 24/7 which means we get donations without even running special campaigns.  We get donations on a daily basis via Apple and Google Pay from our existing web traffic “

Hélène Brisebois

” We went from a 3% conversion rate from landing pages to over 25%, in the most unexpected way. Most of our leads are from direct messages in Whatsapp, the clients reach us directly, without needing to fill a lengthy form “

Jonathan Amber

” This is Linktree on Steroids, directly on our website.   Our clients can quickly get access to all our social platforms directly from our website. the tabclix bar can easily be integrated on any website by inserting a simple script “

Nabil Mansouri

” The cards is nice, but the true power of tabclix is the bar and the capabiity on integrating it on any website.  It really is the ultimate conversion tool of any website.   I just put an order for 30 cards to get as a gift to all my clients “

Katia Dimaria